Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Well you know that kids say the darndest things, I don't know when they out grow that Korbin is 10 and he called me at work today to see if Keaton and him could go to the rec center to play basketball with Staley one of his friends. My response was "well, what time do you think you will be going". His response was " Staley's grandpa died so his Dad and Mom are at the monsterary. In my head I am thinking the what? It only took me a minute to figure it out so I said "you mean the mortuary"? He said "Yea, that's it". We all had a good laugh at work about it. I guess to a 10 year old a mortuary would seem like a monsterary.


Cher said...

I miss all your fun stories!

Erin said...

Mortuary, monastery... it's all the same right?

Josh said...

Hey Michelle! How are you? Janna really is a great cook. Lucky for me. :) If we are still here in July we would love to hook up. I am working for an anesthesia group here in Buffalo through the end of June, and if things work out, we will be headed back west in July. If we are still here though, Oneida is only about three hours away from where we live. We could meet out there, or you guys could come here and maybe we could go to Niagara Falls or something. Keep us posted.

www.mostblessedman.blogspot.com said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Kids DO say the darndest things!