Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We would like to dedicate this month to Keaton! He turned 12 on the 14th and there is something wrong with that. First not only does he attend Jr. High in the fall, but he wants to go to scout camp for a week. Now my first thought about scout camp was NO they lose scouts, you see it all over the news. Second my son needs a pocket knife for woodcarving so invision this with me will you, a bunch of 12 and 13 year old boys with pocket knifes. If that isn't an accident waiting to happen. After careful consideration and finding out a great friend of ours (who happens to be the 1st counselor in the bishopric) is going with the boys. I decide to let him go. Now the first day was monday the 15th the day after his birthday and they had not been gone 24 hours and I get a phone call from Norm at 8:15 pm telling me Keaton was doing his woodcarving and misunderstood it for thumbcarving. Now as pocket knifes go this is the least of the things I invisioned of a bunch of boys with knifes. So to keep the story semi short. Scout camp was in MT. Pleasant and wonderful friend and counselor Norm brought my son all the way back to Payson hospital for a few stitches and by the time we were done there it was 11:10 pm. So we all went home for the night and Norm and Keaton set out the next morning to finish there week at scout camp. 5 merit badges later, no swimming, and no more incidents they had a great time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEATON!

1 comment:

Cher said...

Wow 12! SO that makes you 29 right? I hate it when the kids get older.
Ron just got called to the Blazer Scouts and he has to have a pocket Knife and so I know how you feel and he is 38....lol! Glad that he was OK!!!