Friday, October 23, 2009


It has been forever since I actually took time to blog. We have 2 seasons at our house which is baseball season and winter. Winter is here, thaaaank you. Well baseball season ended the second week of October and we also did football at the same time. Korbin played flag football which after watching Keaton play tackle football is much to more layed back, that is a blessing to me sometimes to have things a little more relaxing for awhile.
Keaton started Jr. High this year and life is so different. I thought he was so grown up in 6th grade, but it's like he is a different kid. He loves it. I can see how much he has changed just in the responsibility he takes on. He is turning into a little man and i thought that first year after he was born went by fast. Yes, he no longer thinks girls have cooties. Korbin is in the 4th grade and no longer has his older brother in school with him. It is a good thing we all have our babies to keep our minds off the older kids growing up and to remind us what it was like when they were younger. Anyway to everyone raising small children enjoy it before you know it they start Jr. High.